New Years Eve in Las Vegas!!!
It was really hard choosing what to do in Vegas for new years as there were so many amazing options. All the clubs had huge performers and DJ's on; everything from Britney Spears and Bruno Mars to Chris Brown, Calvin Harris or The Killers. However we decided to do something different. New years eve is the only time of year that the Las Vegas strip gets shut down to cars and is totally pedestrianised. Then at midnight hotels up and down the strip have a huge synchronized firework display to bring in the new year. After changing my mind about ten times, I just thought, we can go clubbing anytime, where as the strip being shut down plus fireworks is something unique for NYE.
Before all of this though, when we landed we had to have our disco nap! So many people make the mistake of trying to power through, but if you want to actually last the night this is a must! Most of the crew had the same plan as us, so once we were all dolled up, we went to a room for pre-drinks with everyone then hit the strip. I thought it might be heaving pretty early on so didn't want to get out too late (think we left hotel about 10) but it wasn't as bad as I was worried it might be, so we could of left it later. A little free tip for you - make sure you take either plastic glasses, or better yet bottles so you can take your drink out with you. It's a much cheaper way of enjoying the night & you're allowed to drink on the street as long as it's not in glass. It was really cool just being able to wander on the strip with so many people & the fireworks were amazing! We then just ended up in a Irish bar which was such a laugh at the end of the night - except for the beer that ended up on my head!
N.Y.E |
New years eve gang |
Woke up the next day not feeling as horrific as I thought, which was a nice surprise! A group of us did the obligatory boozey buffet, this time at the Wynn hotel. I'd not actually been to this one before and while there was quite a long queue, which feels like even longer when you're hungover and hangry, it was really nice. However, it was pricey at $72 including the drinks package. While the Wynn buffet is never going to be one of the cheaper options, the others did tell me that prices had been hiked up due to new years, so that's something to bare in mind.
So now to our night out. Usual thing, get ready, pre drink blah blah blah. This night out however was no fairy tale, more an advert for all the things to do wrong in Vegas! So I've said in previous posts about using promoters, which we did, but we arrived a lot later than he advised we should. Also we had a guy with us which pretty much doubles the time it takes too, it shouldn't, but Vegas is like that. We were in the first queue for so long our boy ended up having to pay as was past midnight. After queuing about an hour to get into the outside pool area of the club, we then had to join another queue to try get into the actual club part (we were at XS in the Encore hotel). This is the second time I've been to this club & it was the same last time so you'd think I'd learn! Anyways me and my friend got couple of drinks and a jaeger for the queue, made a few friends while we were waiting (including a stupidly hot Aussie who sadly gave up with the queue and left). Rachael and me got slightly separated from our group in the line and got let in before them. We weren't allowed to wait outside for them so went into the club (we later found out they waited a further hour & never got let in!) Almost instantly when we walked in some guy invited us onto his table, with his wife & friends, at which point alarm bells should of been going off - I was getting a serious swingers vibe! This was the point where Rach was handed a champagne & I had a drink from the hostess. Fast forward an hour or so and I cant find Rachael anywhere, calling her name in the toilets, endless texts & calls, doing laps of the club still nothing. After ages I gave up, hoping she had just back doored it home so I got a taxi back (via macdonalds obvs). After buying my driver a burger which I subsequently ended up keeping (lols) I got back to the room and then started worrying as Rachael wasn't there. I made a very effective Facebook message group which included me, her and someone called 'where are you' to try get hold of her. That didn't work... shocking I know! Not that long later, two security guards burst in the room with Rachael in tow (yay!) asking me if I knew her & telling me she was about to be sick, (not yay). I was so happy she was back ok. After a brief slurred story of what had happened, which included her being found by security passed out in the toilet, we both fell asleep.
Before it all went wrong! |
It wasn't until the morning when I spoke to Rachael again that it became glaringly obvious to me that she had been spiked the night before. We had, had exactly the same to drink up until her champagne & the state she was in, it had to of been that. Also that day consisted of me sitting with her while she slept solidly for about 30hrs! Scary side to things and so easy to happen so really do need to try keep your wits about you a little when you're out. We'd booked Magic Mike tickets before flying out and the poor thing was too unwell to go. Luckily 1 of my friends had her sister with her & they'd booked tickets that day so I went with them. It was so good! The guys are insanely hot, I literally fell in love with one and the way the show runs is really funny and different to what you'd expect. I can't recommend going enough. If you book tickets online, there really isn't a bad seat in the house. So unless you're desperate to be constantly grinded on you can get away with paying less for seats further back as the venue is so small (please note that you make think your safely tucked away on the balcony... you're not! I had 3 lap dances sat up there!)
Not a lot to tell you about check out day except for Rachael coming back to life! Wandered the strip, had some lunch and flew home in a nutshell! Considering what happened with Rachael it was still such a fun trip & New years eve in particular was amazing. We've decided that Rach just has to come back so she can experience it properly!
Next stop... standby so who knows?!
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