Vegas - Boozey with a difference

Hey all! As seems to be the norm, I've left it forever between posts, I don't know why you lot even still bother, sorry! New year new me and all, so will try my best to keep on top of these now! So throwing it back a little to my pre-christmas trip, but wanted to write a quicky on this one as even though went out and got boozy, did it in yet another way in Vegas... always finding those alternative nights out for you! If this blog isn't the go to of every possible option to do in Vegas then I don't know what is!

So have you ever had that feeling, when you're so up for a night out it's not even normal, got your best glad rags at the ready but no-one else is feeling it? That was the start of this trip for me! I had packed a lovely little jumpsuit number, thought I am ready to get turnt up on this one, go full 100 ... and nothing! Straight away got the vibe no one would be going out out & as I'm a binge drinker & and can't just have a casual couple, I was like fine then I'm doing nothing! After I got over myself I decided I would get involved with the others and go to a place called Blondie's in Planet Hollywood to get some drinks & play some beer pong. The turn out was decent to be fair, about 8 of 15 came along and ended up being such a laugh! I thought I would be smashing it after my old repping days where beer pong (also known as Jucee pong there) was played on the daily. But clearly some years off have made me an embarrassment to the sport, so all my pre-game bragging was not lived up to! Probably got all of 2 balls in, the shame! After having mixed beer shots with the vodka I was drinking, when someone suggested going elsewhere for Karaoke I was more than up for it! I think we ended up in Ellis Island, but to be perfectly honest I have no idea! It was the most random old school style place, with pretty much just americans in except us. I think we did us Brits proud though, I cracked out 'Shania Twain - Man I Feel Like A Woman' (a karaoke classic right?!), one of the guys did Adele & one of the boys and I finished strong with a duet to 'Coolio - Gangsters Paradise'! LOLS! After one of our girls was literally asleep at the bar we thought we better head back so called it a night!
The next day I felt reasonably rough but nothing too horrific (no-where near as bad as the last trip in Jo-berg thank god!). The day just consisted of meeting some of the others, heading to the Premium Outlets to first of all stuff our faces at the Cheesecake Factory. This place is literally the restaurant of hangover dreams! Then just got that all important christmas shopping done AND I managed to be super good and buy only one thing for myself, winning! Back in bed by 6, with my doggy bag from Cheesecake Factory for dinner and that was a wrap on this trip! As I said, just a short & sweet blog post, but giving you yet another side to my party home of Vegas! Next stop... Cancun for New Years!!!


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